Lightweight Cellular Concrete

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Lightweight cellular concrete (LCC) is a mixture of portland or blended cement, water, and air created through a preformed foaming agent. LCC can act as a lightweight, strong, durable, and inexpensive soil or fill replacement for geotechnical applications. LCC in the geotechnical environment can be used for multiple purposes including lightweight road bases and fills, bridge approach embankments, void and cavity filling, pipe and culvert abandonment filling, annular space tunnel grout filling, foundation fills, energy arresting systems, retaining wall backfills, lightweight dam and levee structural fills, landslide repair and slope stabilization, and as controlled density fill.

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Geotechnical Solutions with Lightweight Cellular Concrete

LCC is popular in geotechnical applications primarily because it is lighter in weight than soil, is highly flowable and able to fill spaces of any size and shape, and is less expensive than many alternatives. LCC can be produced and placed on site, making it a great solution to help lower the carbon footprint of a jobsite by drastically reducing the volume of material transported to reduce carbon emissions and keep job sites less congested. 

Learn more about how PCA is leading the cement and concrete industry to a more sustainable future

LCC is just one of several cement-specific materials. See how it and others can be used in the following applications:

PCA’s Research and Technology Department is staffed with engineers experienced in the use of cement-based technologies for a wide variety of infrastructure applications, and they are available to answer your questions. Learn more about their expertise and how to contact them here: Meet the Experts.