PCA Attends EPW Decarbonization Hearing
Members of the Portland Cement Association’s (PCA) Government Affairs team attended a U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee (EPW) hearing on November 15 titled “Opportunities in Industrial Decarbonization: Delivering Benefits for the Economy and the Climate.”
PCA welcomed the hearing as an opportunity to continue the national discussion about efforts being made to cut carbon emissions both within hard to abate industries—like cement—and those taking place outside of the industry.
Prior to the hearing, PCA sent letters to Senators Tom Carper (D-DE) and Shelly Moore Capito (R-WV), the respective Chair and Ranking Member of the EPW Committee, to thank them for recognizing the importance of spotlighting the decarbonization issue and what’s being done to address it. The letter may be viewed here.
Additionally, PCA provided statements to the media regarding the hearing, which you can read here.