
Beauty, strength, and comfort make concrete floor and roof systems a solid choice for your home.

With the increased use of concrete wall systems for homebuilding, more homeowners are demanding the strength, comfort, and beauty of concrete for the floors (See Decorative Floors) and roof of their new homes. Concrete floor and roof systems are the perfect match for insulating concrete forms, concrete masonry, autoclaved aerated concrete, and other concrete wall systems.

There are many ways to build your concrete floor and roof systems:

Autoclaved aerated concrete

Concrete on fiber glass joists

Concrete on steel deck

Concrete on steel joists

Conventionally formed concrete

Precast hollow-core plank

Radiant heating

Stay-in-place foam forms

All of these systems share the same solid benefits - beauty, strength, durability, low maintenance, energy efficiency, environmental friendliness, and peace and quiet. Which concrete building technique is right for you depends on the labor force and predominant building practices in your area. Whatever your choice, you can rest assured that your beautiful concrete home is built to last.